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Industry standard career assessments.
Career Library of 150+ Career Paths.
Wide choice of career clusters to choose out of the major 18+ Clusters.
Industry-leading Career Assessment Platform for Career Counselors. More than 35+ Career Assessments starting from 5th class to Senior Professionals
Our Career Assessment is considered a benchmark in the industry. Join the league!.
Career exploration among 150+ career paths and 3000+ occupations for every candidate.
Comprehensive Career Assessment from 5th class to Professionals.
Yes, get paid directly. Payment can be done online or offline. We can configure a payment gateway too.
Manage Profiles, generate reports and Complete Control.
No yearly maintenance charges, No expiry of access codes.
Customization based on your business processes and expected outcomes. You will be empowered to modify too!
Highly scalable online and offline assessments.
Assessments are available in English and Hindi version.
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