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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The use of psychometric testing is gaining importance within the field of Career and Educational counseling, because, they provide a high quality, non-discriminatory, independent, and objective Career and Educational Guidance. Aptitude tests are known to be reliable predictors of future scholastic achievement as they provide a profile of strengths and weaknesses of a student.

You are still in school?

Simply click on the ‘Take my test’ button in the top right corner or anywhere on the website you see the ‘Take my test’ and then click ‘Login’ to navigate to create an account.

If you didn’t receive your confirmation email, please check your junk or spam folder. If it is not here, please be patient; it may take a couple of hours to arrive. If you still haven’t received an email within 24 hours, you can send a request to support@careerdhyan.com and we will revert in 24 hours.

Due to our concern on data security, Careerdhyan does not permit you to edit the profile setting on your own, you will have to send us a request on support@careerdhyan.com.

We do not allow the user to delete your account for security reasons. If in case you would like to permanently delete your account, please write to us at support@careerdhyan.com. You will then receive an email asking for confirmation. Please confirm your account deletion request and on receipt of your confirmation, the account will be deleted from our database.

Please note that deleting your Careerdhyan account also results in the permanent deletion of all the content associated with that account, including test results and career reports.

If you forgot your password, you can also change your password through the ‘Log In’ page by clicking ‘Forgot your password?’ Please follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password.

No. Deleting your account is permanent and irreversible. All content will be lost and cannot be revived. You are, therefore, advised to carefully consider this before making an account deletion request.

We accept all credit and debit card payments as well as payments through PayPal / Razorpay

Careerdhyan renders services including but not limited to counseling, assessment tests etc, which act as a bonafide guide to the user and the services are rendered as soon as availed, therefore there is no provision for refund of fee paid by the User/s. The user/s is therefore deemed to have understood and accepted that once the fee is paid to Careerdhyan as per the services availed, there shall be no refund of the said Fee.

For more details, please refer our refund policy and terms and conditions

About the test

Developed by expert psychologists, these tests are multiple-choice questionnaires designed to analyze your potential They create an accurate picture of your natural aptitude which is matched against different jobs, activities and careers to determine the best combination subjects in your School years.

Students sometimes make poor choices when it comes to higher education (choice of courses) due to peer pressure and lack of information .Such students are either forced to dropout and switch to another course, or they stay on a career path which leaves them unhappy and frustrated.. In either case they not only waste precious time and money but also jeopardize their futures.

Aptitudes are natural abilities for doing, or learning to do, certain kinds of things easily and quickly. Are you good at generating ideas, or analyzing numerical information? Can you think three-dimensionally or organize information quickly? Those are examples of aptitudes, and each occupation uses a different combination of aptitudes.

Your aptitudes have little to do with knowledge or culture, or education, or interests, these are stable, inherent traits., both by nature(inherent) and by nurture . Aptitude testing is an invaluable tool for making career and educational decisions.

They sound alike, but are vastly different…

An individual may have acquired the necessary experience and knowledge in order to have an ability to complete a task, but not an aptitude for it. Aptitude refers to possessing more of a natural talent & specific intellectual skills for a task, even if that talent is not yet fully developed.

Your aptitudes have little to do with knowledge or culture, or education, or interests, these are stable, inherent traits., both by nature(inherent) and by nurture. Aptitude testing is an invaluable tool for making career and educational decisions.

The best age to take the test is 13 and above.

A lot more than you can imagine. These tests analyze three things: your interests, your personality, and your Aptitude. They match strengths in these three areas to specific jobs, careers and higher education. For example, are you naturally inclined towards a career which requires creativity, or are you better suited to a career in business management? Are you more likely to be happy and successful as an engineer or as a teacher? They highlight which values are important to you, which things motivate you, and which skills come naturally to you.

No, that’s the fun thing about psychometric tests! You just answer a series of multiple-choice questions as honestly as you can! The questions don’t test general knowledge, Subject knowledge or language proficiency; they just analyze you as a person and identify your strengths. So the catch word is be honest and you will discover yourself.

No these test does not require any special preparation except for mental preparedness and sincerity on the part of the student.

No, there is no negative marking or pass/ fail in the assessment of this test.

The test can be completed in about 60 minutes.

Its an Online test – You can log in and complete the test from your home, as these tests are very user friendly or you could walkin to our counseling centre and take the test. Its at your convenience.

About the report

Upon purchasing full access to Careerdhyan Assessment test and completing it, you’ll receive a personalised 34 page 4-dimensional career report which includes an in-depth analysis of your test results based on your performance, as well as comprehensive information about careers and skills you’ve been matched with.

You can find your personalised career report instantly on your profle page, where you will be able to download it as a PDF once you pay the assesment fee.

Could not find the answer you were looking for?

Use our or mail us at support@careerdhyan.com to send us your question, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!