ENTP indicates a person who is energized by time spent with others (Extraverted), who focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), who makes decisions based on logic and reason (Thinking) and who prefers to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and organized (Perceiving). ENTPs are sometimes referred to as Visionary personalities because of their passion for new, innovative ideas.
ENTPs are characterized by a quick ingenuity. They are clever and amusing, constantly scanning for the new and unusual around them. They are very perceptive and notice possibilities everywhere. ENTPs are resourceful in making what they imagine become a reality. They are pragmatic, goal-oriented, and creative problem-solvers and can be especially good at using their charm and wit to inspire others and enroll them into their own endeavors. ENTPs make up 4.5% of all 16 personality types. 1 in every 16 males is an ENTP (6% of all males). 1 in every 33 females is an ENTP (3% of all females).
Innovative | Inventive | Entrepreneurial | Introspective | Non-conforming | Curious | Future-focused | Carefree | Intellectual | Gregarious | Theoretical | Complex
We have mentioned only a few professions as an example on this page for information. More professions can be discovered if you take the the MBTI assessment and explore the personality type preferences, other wise it’s impossible to know which personality type you belong to.
Property Manager
Urban Planner
HR Recruiter
Marketing Manager
Property Manager
Financial Planner
Account Executive
Management Consultant
Creative Director
Aerospace Engineer
Social Scientist
Organizational Psychologist
Environmental Scientist
Market Researcher
Venture Capitalist
Art Director
Family Physician
Elementary Teacher
Bank Teller
Airline Pilot
Library Assistant
Medical Assistant
Nurse’s Aide
Here is a sample of a few Famous People those who may share the ENTP personality type.
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